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ArtLand – art that warms the soul

Podcasts & Interviews

Ramy Shy| Jewish architect and sculptor| Interview

Ramy Shy – Jewish architect and sculptor

Watch the interview with Ramy Shy on the website & interesting facts of the biography. How success of Ramy is connected to his studying at the London College of Architecture. Why Ramy Shy started creating sundial sculptures? Rami’s problems and dreams.

The sundial that I have created are sculptures characterized by being the intersection of architecture and sculpting. The inspiration of this magic combination involving an object a sculpture intended to measure time with the help of sunlight was also due to our son Michael of blessed memory.”

A channel about the art in Israel and successful stories. Watch artists’ personal story of success and dreams. Join us – both creators and those who are simply interested in our art, we are glad to everyone.

How to become successful fashion designer & happy person | I Am Grateful For Who I Am | Anna Laskin

“I am grateful for my family. I am grateful that I found what I love to do. I am a happy person.” An interview with the fashion designer Anna Laskin. How to find what you love to do and be grateful for your life? We asked Anna the 10 most important questions about: How to become a fashion designer? Pluses and minuses of the the profession? What was leading / inspiring her in choosing this profession? The taste of Russian & Israeli people in choosing clothes? Necessary skills to become a successful designer?

Find yourselves in this video, tell us about your dreams and success in your field!

How to fulfill your dreams | How to become a full-time artist? 🎨 | Svetlana Sorokina

“Art Will Save the World” , Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Can art really save the world and help the people? Why art is important in our life? What Does it Take to Become a Full Time Artist? How art is impacting the kids? Do you need to choose only 1 kind of art? What is more important in life – to fulfil your dream or to raise kids?

Keep positive and never give up | Keep looking what you are really like to do | Tanya Leto

I never say “I can’t”! Even if I can’t, I just find someone to help me. I have many friends. I’m so lucky! I’m always doing well. I couldn’t draw, so I created 3D paper models. Always be positive and never give up! Keep looking for what you really want to do!

A Way to the Dream | How I dressed Mrs. World Las Vegas | Margarita Kan

“Every Woman deserves to be Beautiful”

“Ideas accumulate and an explosion occurs!”

“I am the Cinderella fairy”

“How I dressed Mrs World 2018 in Las Vegas? She inspired me. I monitored what color was missing there. Israel, What are our national costumes? Blooming spring …”

“I select and come up with a design for each person and for her features, inspired by her general outlook & character.”

DREAMS COME TRUE, you just need to wish it a lot | Margarita Pomerancev

A child like me used up poor dolls or big brother’s cars. I knew how to disassembled them, but how to assemble them back ….)))
As a teenager, I accidentally ended up in a jeweler’s workshop …

There, huge and heavy apparatus side by side with scanty and fragile devices. So I wonder what functions they perform, and how beauty is created …
I have never forgotten this fabulous world. And despite the impossibility (in my country this profession goes from father to son), I thought about it.

I gave up music & doctor degree for the art | Liza Ginzburg

“I am a calm person, watercolor predisposes to this :)”

“My family fully supports me and makes time for me so that I can do what I love.”

“I live where I like and work what I like – what a happy person I am!”

Family & art are two components of my life | Larisa Lvovskaya

Dreams come true in the Holy Land of Israel! The three most important dreams have already come true for me: I dreamed of becoming an artist since I was 12 … I dreamed to fall in love and getting married and having a daughter!

Since I was 12, I wanted to become an artist, but I was not accepted into an art school because of my “older” age. I came to Israel only at the age of 22 and a half, and at the age of 25 I entered the Avni Institute, with a profile of painting and sculpture. This is how my dream came true in the Holy Land – and then there was Jewish art and a teacher’s diploma.

My younger sister is my best friend, I begged her from mom and dad when I was still a child 🙂 Family is a very important component of me and my art – it is a part of me and my life! My husband fully supports me, and my daughter inspires me – for her sake I wish to create myself, as well as create and nurture young talents!

And it doesn’t matter how much I had to go through and what is the story of my life, but most importantly, I have my family and my art. It is a part of me and my life and of course I am happy because my family supports me… I wish to create my art to create and share theoretical and practical knowledge.

At the crossroads - a designer or an artist? Why not both? | Who creates our destiny? | Dizlarka

“Now I no longer choose: design or painting. I express myself and show this to the world through both: graphic design and art.
I know there are still a lot of interesting things ahead. Еvery new day is full of challenges. I am passionate about this from morning to the evening. There are new ideas for the future related to both – art and design. It will be unusual, stylish and beautiful. But more about this another time😉 Follow social networks so not to miss it …🌸

A very interesting video about challenges & decisions we make in life and who creates our destiny !

I was an artist from ever since even from past lives. I am proud that I found myself! | Marusha 

“I was not ready for the birth of a child and art is my way to relax.”
“I am proud that I have found myself! I have been looking for myself for so long …”
“I have so many fantasies in my head – I love everything that goes beyond.”

Personal story of the talented fantasy artist Maria Bessonov. Her paintings are striking in their brightness and even courage. She loves to combine realism with surrealism and she is not afraid to show the true essence of a woman.

I felt this is mine! I know how to enjoy life and I want to teach everyone! | Jenny Lebedeva 💖❤☺💕🎁

“I felt that the art is my destiny and this is exactly what I want to do!”

“I know how to enjoy life and I want everyone to be able to learn this!”

“When I see people looking at my illustrations and smiling…their happiness, joy, and fullness awakens in them… this fills me with happiness too!”

“I sold little postcards to my friends and collected pennies in a piggy bank so that later I could buy myself some drawing supplies …”

She is young, beautiful, kind and very talented. She is an artist, illustrator and photographer. Her art is like a present – it makes people feel happy. Her graphics and photographs are clean-lined and emanate as from her soul. They show all the beauty of nature, regardless of whether it is a plant, a rock or a sunset. They fill you with her own light energy. A must for viewing and ordering! 😀😀 

Art is My Present! Faithful And, As I Now Understand, Eternal Love ... | Nataly Feldman

“Polar bear in Africa😁
You may say that this is unrealistic, but this is my reality!

My name is Natalie Feldman.
And yes, I am a Siberian currently living in Israel. This is how the snow girl climbed into the sands of the desert😁

A little bit about myself…
I am inextricably linked with the nature and I think that this is on a cellular level 🙂
I love the forest, tranquility, the sounds of nature, the smell of a wet grass, I love picking mushrooms, looking at the dew on the cobweb, I love the fresh air filled with the smell of meadow flowers, I love looking at the clouds, listening the birds’ singing, seeing the beauty of the world around me!
For me is infinitely interesting, everything that surrounds me, all the details & moments.
I love to touch everything that I see with my hands.
Apparently that’s why I, a correctional psychologist, teacher-teacher, graphic designer, found myself in creativity, namely in ceramics🔥
This is my present! Faithful and, as I now understand, eternal love … “

Creativity is what distinguishes a person from an animal. I am a Jeweler To The Depth Of My Soul - This Is My Disease | Anna Kopilevich

Strict, serious and very creative. An artist that creates amazing jewelry from silver, leather and enamel with so much patience and details… and can create also a huge mosaic for the whole wall with the same love for the details & individual approach.

Anna believes that jewelry can heal you from different diseases & makes us better humans.

She chooses the jewelry based on the personality, because she believes that jewelry enhances the woman’s beauty. 

She is working with different materials but of course the favorite material of Anna are natural stones and pearls which we can see almost in every her work – shiny, unique and stylish.

“I want to be an example for my grandchildren and I want to have enough strength and inspiration for my future works.”

The most important thing I learned from the art - is to embrace relationships and love | Rafi Perez

He is interesting and inimitable, his paintings amaze with their views on life and frankness, he is famous with his extravagance and well-sold works and he always has something new to show.

He was blamed for being gay, but it didn’t stop him being himself.

Now his works can be seen almost everywhere in Israel – in many museums, buildings, streets, even famous fashion brands are offering items with his naive style.

Meet Rafi Peretz!

“My parents immigrated from Morocco & there is an interesting story in the relationship between my parents. My mother was adopted by the family of my father and they knew as children and sometimes when they were argue among themselves she would tell him “even when you were a child, you were like that” :).”

“I honestly did not mean to be a painter. Was not in my direction at all. I started studying at the age of 23, from the age of 16 to the age of 32 I wrote 36 diaries in which I wrote all kinds of my fears & dilemmas.”

“I have been creating for 35 years and I have learned that the most important thing, more than art, more than anything, is relationships. The thing that is most important to me, is to embrace relationships and love.”

How to create your fashion brand from scratch? An interview with Anna Shenderova.

An interview with the owner “One pair of hands” brand, Anna Shenderova. The designer will share the story how to build your own fashion brand from scratch. You will meet her personally and see her collection of accessories that were part of the Fashion Week in New York.

Anna will share her exciting story and her experience with some very unusual customers. She will also give us advice & share more info about the new digital technologies, especially about the new modern technologies & NFT sales.

Don’t miss the chance to know more about the new crypto mania and fashion in the field of art – the NFT paintings and their market.

Art and theater foster culture in children and unleash the imagination of adults | Ksenia Moroz

Can you imagine that toys are a huge part of our life and they themselves can also be a piece of art?

In America and some other countries there is a whole culture dedicated to art toys and even exhibitions with Oscar award similar to the actors one? And our new member is a winner in several contests and has a nomination of the Golden George Teddy Oscar.

“I am Ksenia” – this is how I would introduce myself at a real acquaintance, smiling shyly. And in my embarrassment, you could never guess that I am an actress, or rather, a puppeteer. Only after a warmer acquaintance, I would tell you about this side of my life.

The puppet theater was the purpose for me to create teddy bears.
For me, these two worlds are simply inseparable – they bring up culture in children and unleash the imagination of adults. I am sure that we are the ones who endow dolls and toys with a “soul”, because of the way how we see in them something familiar and dear.

In my work, I first of all value your emotions, namely smiles, a feeling of comfort, warmth and love. And Teddy is especially generous with this. Nice to see how the Toy fills you with the best feelings!

Imagine, play, this will make for you the world filled with such beautiful colors! I’m with you 🙂

Don't be afraid to live, even if your whole life is burned | Julia Devagny

What difficulties do creative people have? Probably the same as everyone else – fear of realizing your dreams, lack of support from your relatives.

“My mother really didn’t like my directness and willfulness, and in art school it showed up even more vividly. And even my first very strong in terms of money my mother was not happy … “. –

Our guest today, artist Yulia Devagny talks about herself. Yulia is a great example of how people influence their own lives. She is bright, straightforward, inspiring. The artist overcame depression, and there is much to learn from her. Especially how not to give up even if your whole life is burnt out…

Watch the new video to the end, if you are interested to know more about tantra and shamanic, spiritual practices, about exotic musical instruments, to visit the Himalayas…

ArtCraft Land – live your dream!

Post-impressionist painter | Art & Craft Land | Michael Hazin artist

Michael Hazin is a Soviet and Israeli post-impressionist painter. During his creative activity, Hazin changed several styles, but remained completely absorbed in his activities, and for almost half a century the artist has been pleasing art lovers with his works!

Michael has more than 16 personal exhibitions held all over the world. Starting his career as an artist in the middle of his life – 45 years old – Michael managed to achieve worldwide fame and became recognizable in the circles of connoisseurs of painting. He was able to “switch” his life into a completely new direction and began to develop in what his soul lay for. Some of his painting can be seen in museums around the world like his famous glass of water!!!

In this video, the artist will present his work, tell about himself and share materials that have been preserved in his personal library. Happy viewing!

Enjoy your life! | Nadya Kovba

Learn to hear your own voice and allow yourself to be who you are meant to be!

In 16 she become miss “Nike”, in 19 she become successful photograph. Till 27 she traveled 10 countries and started successful business, she become a mother of 2 kids and her husband was a famous football player…, but she didn’t allow herself to be an artist.

Now she allows herself to hear her inner voice and traveled the world as a famous artist!!!

Her 3-years experience in Thailand changed her forever. She started to understand her inner voice and her PURPOSE and the purpose of each human being “To enjoy life!”.

“Fill up and leave something to yourself – a very important point in our life. Our pride is multifaceted, under it are hidden so many things, not just pride called the first mortal sin. When we understand our own insignificance, own small weight and growth, small in everything in comparison with the whole Universe and at the same time we understand how much we have inside, a lot of everything ..”

About us

We are a group of enthusiasts and artists offering the collectors around the world direct contact with talented new painters, sculptors and artists and possibility to order a custom-made artwork first-hand.
See our works and meet us personally , order your personal paintings here: .

Art that warms the soul. Art & Craft Worldwide directly from the artists. Order your portrait, unique dress or custom-made jewelry here. Live your dream here!