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ArtLand – art that warms the soul

Yellow rose


Oil on canvas

Store artists


Yellow Rose..

oh, how many poets and artists sang it! And they will sing and admire! .. how many meanings and feelings will there be if a lover gives a flower of the wrong color! ..)) – how many tears can shed in intimate conversations! ..)) Yellow Rose is an emblem of separation and sadness, believe gullible lovers)) and she is just Rose! Seeing in any flower a hint of sexuality, we will be right! After all, a flower is the genitals of a plant)) Presenting a bouquet to loved ones, people demonstrate their intentions)) I Oh, how many more funny, poetic, sweet nonsense can be said, getting involved in thoughts about the Rose! My call is to admire the flower without thinking about anything!))

Additional information

Weight1 kg
Dimensions90 × 70 × 35 cm