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ArtLand – art that warms the soul

The first hybrid-NFT exhibition of Art & Craft Land in Jafo

Right now, there are two very important news in the Art & Craft Land artists community:

These are exhibitions with the NFT direction, hybrid exhibitions, which will be hosted by Dobrinka together with Ella Rosenberg in various cities around the country. The first of them will take place at the Old Jaffa Theater and at Gesher, starting in Tel Aviv, and later in the municipalities of certain cities and galleries throughout the country.

An exhibition in which, in addition to Israeli artists, artists from Morocco, India, Azerbaijan and other countries also participate:

Catherine Chai, Malaysia
Crimea Chicken, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kamal Link, India
Petra Widbor Whip, Holland
Liesel Serenes Pro
Rita Gvorkian Art, Egypt
Sergei S. San Bazon
Gamal worked for Nosr, Venezuela
Zada Pazalia, Bosnia Herzegovina
Shayma Jamal Al. Beef, Egypt
Tefan Mehta, India
Dr. Brahim Muhammad, Morocco
Antiram from Medov, Azerbaijan
Alona Shpendik
Alina Grady Tennenbaum
Anastasia Tamiri
Tatiana Belkin
Dima Mogilevsky
Julia Devoni
Leah Tulczynski
Natalie and Rublevsky
Tanya Takachuk
Yasia Kagan and more

In these exhibitions it will be possible to purchase both the original painting and its digital copy. Art & Craft Land is collaborating with NFT-city, which installs special chips on paintings during exhibitions in galleries, so you can immediately buy not only the original, but also its digital copy on the spot.
This is a very good investment and guarantee, because if something happens with the NFT or the crypto currency fund, the original image always remains, and that is a guarantee. Conversely, if the original does not have a high enough price, there will always be a digital copy that will allow the original to become more expensive by wide advertising. You can display the digital copy to friends, show it in presentations, and watch it for yourself on screen, while the original is stored in a safe and secure place to prevent theft or damage.

