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ArtLand – art that warms the soul

Tag: A community art project is coming out in a mass crowdfunding campaign

Launch of the ART & CRAFT LAND platform

Launch of the ART & CRAFT LAND platform Previous Next Following the corona most of the artists have to deal with a new and difficult reality and most of them are giving up on the dream in favor of earning a living in other fields as well. Dobrinka Parvanova from Bulgaria, which specializes in art […]

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A community art project is coming out in a mass crowdfunding campaign

“Tampera”, Lisa Ginzburg, 42X30 cm Art projects are not only luxuries but play a vital role in creating opportunities that increase the chances of communities not being able to expose and realize the potential inherent in group members. The ART & CRAFT LAND project is an inspiring project that shows how an entrepreneur with dreams together […]

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